
This page shows how to use ipyvuetify and explains how it is different from other widget libraries you may know such as ipywidgets. It also explains how to use the Vuetify documentation. Most examples display real widgets which have animations and behavior.

Create an ipyvuetify widget

Below you see how to create an ipyvuetify widget.

import ipyvuetify as v

my_select = v.Select(
    items=['Apple', 'Pear', 'Cherry'])

Attributes can be changed at a later time by:

my_select.items = [*my_select.items, 'Banana']


A new List is created to change the items. In-place mutations of List and Dict, e.g. my_select.append( 'Banana'), are not detected by ipywidgets.

What widgets are available and how they look can be found in the Vuetify documentation. Browse the side bar on the left hand side and select a widget, then click <> on the right hand side on an example to see the source code for it. The HTML code may seem unfamiliar at first, but this documentation will guide you through it. For starters to translate the Vuetify widget names, which are starting with v-, to ipyvuetify, remove the v- prefix and CamelCase the remaining name. E.g v-select becomes Select and v-list-item becomes ListItem.

Equivalent Vuetify syntax of the example above:

<v-select label="Fruits" :items="['Apple', 'Pear', 'Cherry']" />

Setting Attributes

When translating from Vuetify HTML to Python, some attributes have to be treated different.

Python uses snake_case to separate words in attributes, while Vuetify uses kebab-case. For example the attribute append-icon becomes append_icon:


<v-select append-icon="mdi-gamepad-down" label="Fruits" />


v.Select(append_icon='mdi-gamepad-down', label='Fruits')

In HTML attributes don’t have to have values, just defining the attribute is enough to use it as a boolean. In Python we have to set the value to True. For example clearable becomes clearable=True:


<v-select clearable label="Fruits" :items="['Apple', 'Pear', 'Cherry']" value="Apple" />


v.Select(clearable=True, label='Fruits', items=['Apple', 'Pear', 'Cherry'], value='Apple')

Some attribute have naming conflicts with Python or ipywidgets. These are for, open, class and style and must be suffixed with an underscore. For example style becomes style_


<v-select style="width: 75px" label="Fruits" />


v.Select(style_='width: 75px', label='Fruits')

In the Vuetify HTML examples you’ll see attributes prefixed with a colon :. This means the attribute is bound to a variable or it is evaluated as an expression. If it is bound to a variable you’ll see that variable being used in other parts of the example. In ipyvuetify we use jslink() to link these attributes. In the next section you’ll see an example of this. To look at how that variable is initialized you select the ‘script’ tab on a Vuetify example.

If it’s an expression it’s mostly used to set a List or a Dict, as is done with items in the examples above. This can be the same in ipyvuetify.

Reading the value

Now we want to be able to read out the selected value. In ipywidgets this would be done by reading the value attribute. In Vue this is done with the v-model directive, which is translated to Python as v_model ( note the ‘_’ instead of ‘-‘). The v_model attribute has to be explicitly set when creating the widget.


        items="['red', 'green', 'blue']" />
    <v-chip :color="colorVariable"><v-chip>


from ipywidgets import jslink

color_select = v.Select(
    items=['red', 'green', 'blue'])

color_display = v.Chip()

jslink((color_select, 'v_model'), (color_display, 'color'))



ipyvuetify widgets have a value attribute, but that’s only used for setting the value, it will not change on interactions with the widget.

The children attribute

Because ipyvuetify is based on HTML, which represents a GUI as a tree of elements, all widgets have an attribute children which is a list of widgets or strings. This way the same tree can be represented in Python. Sometimes something you would expect to be specified as an attribute, must be specified as an item in children, e.g. in ipywidgets the text of a button is set with the attribute description while in ipyvuetify the text is set with setting an item in the children list:


    <v-btn color="primary">Click me</v-btn>


    v.Btn(color='primary', children=['Click me'])

This has the benefit of composability, e.g. the button can, in addition to text, also contain an icon:


    <v-btn color="primary">
        <v-icon left>
        Click me


    v.Btn(color='primary', children=[
        v.Icon(left=True, children=[
        'Click me'


Events are specified with .on_event(event_name, callback_fn) instead of setting an attribute like in ipywidgets.

btn = v.Btn(color='primary', children=['Click me'])
count = 0

def on_click(widget, event, data):
    global count
    btn.children=[f'Click me {count}']
    count += 1

btn.on_event('click', on_click)


# The output of this example is intentionally left out, because
# it will not work without an active kernel.

The three arguments in the callback function are:

  • widget: the widget the event originates from. This is useful when using the same callback for multiple widgets.
  • event: the event name. This is useful when using the same callback for multiple events.
  • data: data for the event. For e.g. click of Btn this contains which modifier keys are pressed and some information on the position of the mouse.

All HTML events can be used. The on prefix must be omitted.

Widgets can have custom events, to find out which, the Vuetify API explorer can be used. Search for a component and on the left-hand side of list of attributes you will find a tab for the events.

In Vuetify events are defined as attributes with an @ prefix. The equivalent Vuetify syntax of the example above is:

    <v-btn color="primary" @click="on_click">
        Click me {{ count }}

The on_click method would be in the ‘script’ tab of an example and is not shown here.

Regular HTML tags

Sometimes some regular HTML tags are needed. For this the Html widget can be used.


    <h1>My heading</h1>


    v.Html(tag='h1', children=['My heading'])


To visually customize widgets, the underlying CSS facilities of Vuetify are exposed. With the style_ attribute CSS properties can be set. Multiple CSS properties can be set by separating them with a semicolon ;.

v.Select(label='Fruit', style_='width: 75px; opacity: 0.7')

With the class_ attribute predefined Vuetify styles can be set. Predefined styles of note are spacing and colors <>. More can be found in the section ‘Styles and animations’ of the Vuetify documentation. Multiple classes can be applied by separating them with a space.

Buttons without spacing:

    v.Btn(children=[f'Button {i}']) for i in range(3)

With 2 units of margin in the x direction:

    v.Btn(class_='mx-2', children=[f'Button {i}']) for i in range(3)

And colors:

    v.Btn(class_=f'mx-2 indigo lighten-{i+1}', children=[f'Button {i}']) for i in range(3)

Layout (HBox/VBox alternative)

In ipywidgets you would layout a grid of widgets with HBox and VBox.

import ipywidgets as widgets

        widgets.Button(description="top left"),
        widgets.Button(description="bottom left"),
        widgets.Button(description="top right"),
        widgets.Button(description="bottom right"),

This can be done in ipyvuetify with the help of some classes described in flex helpers.

v.Html(tag='div', class_='d-flex flex-row', children=[
    v.Html(tag='div', class_='d-flex flex-column', children=[
        v.Btn(class_='ma-2', children=['top left']),
        v.Btn(class_='ma-2', children=['bottom left'])
    v.Html(tag='div', class_='d-flex flex-column', children=[
        v.Btn(class_='ma-2', children=['top right']),
        v.Btn(class_='ma-2', children=['bottom right'])


Icons can be displayed with the Icon widget:


In some widgets icons are specified by setting an attribute:


See for a list of available icons.


Below you will find a summary of all concepts of Vuetify and how they translate to ipyvuetify to help with the translation from Vuetify examples to ipyvuetify.

  • Component names convert to CamelCase and the v- prefix is stripped

    Vuetify <v-list-tile .../>
    ipyvuetify ListTitle(...)
  • Attributes

    • convert to snake_case

      Vuetify <v-menu offset-y ...
      ipyvuetify Menu(offset_y=True ...
    • must have a value

      Vuetify <v-btn round ...
      ipyvuetify Btn(round=True ...
    • with naming conflicts, style, class, open and for, are suffixed with an _

      Vuetify <v-btn class="mr-3" style="..." >
      ipyvuetify Btn(class_='mr-3', style_='...')
  • v-model (value in ipywidgets) contains the value directly

    Vuetify <v-slider v-model="some_property" ...

    myslider = Slider(v_model=25...

    jslink((myslider, 'v_model'), (..., ...))

  • Child components and text are defined in the children attribute

    Vuetify <v-btn>text <v-icon>...</icon></v-btn>
    ipyvuetify Btn(children=['text', Icon(...)])
  • Event listeners are defined with on_event

    Vuetify <v-btn @click='someMethod()' ...

    def some_method(widget, event, data):

    button.on_event('click', some_method)

  • Regular HTML tags can made with the Html widget

    Vuetify <div>...</div>
    ipyvuetify Html(tag='div', children=[...])